Explore the Untouched Beauty of Canada’s Northernmost Territory
Discover the Arctic Wonders of Nunavut-NU
Nunavut is a massive, sparsely populated territory of northern Canada, forming most of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Nunavut-NU is a place of pristine wilderness and unique cultural heritage. From the stunning fjords and glaciers to the vibrant Inuit communities, this destination offers an adventure like no other. Witness the majestic polar bears, the mesmerizing Northern Lights, and the endless summer sun. Nunavut-NU invites you to a journey through the heart of the Arctic.
Good to Know
Nunavut is a massive, sparsely populated territory of northern Canada, forming most of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Its islands have expanses of tundra, craggy mountains and remote villages, accessible only by plane or boat.
Languages Spoken
Four official languages spoken: Inuinnaqtun, Inuktitut, English and French
Currency Used
Legal tender is the Canadian dollar, which divides into 100 cents.
Area (km2)
Nunavut covers 1,936,113 km2 of land and 157,077 km2 of water in Northern Canada
Visa Requirements
Visa-Required Travelers: Holders of a foreign national passport and stateless individuals need a visa to visit or transit through Canada by any method of travel—plane, car, bus, train, or cruise ship
Popular Destinations
Iqaluit, Rankin, Inlet, Auyuittuq National Park, Cambridge Bay